1 Start 2 Complete What is your primary role? * Respiratory Therapist Nursing First year resident Second year resident Fellow Advanced practice provider Attending Other... What is your primary role? Other... What is your unit/department/division? * 8th floor 9th floor Hospitalist team Resident team Respiratory care Pulmonary Other... What is your unit/department/division? Other... Have you participated in an RRT involving respiratory distress? * Yes No How confident are you in identifying a child who is developing respiratory distress? * Extremely Confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not at all confident How confident are you in identifying the difference between respiratory distress and respiratory failure? * Extremely Confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not at all confident What tools do you use to identify respiratory distress? * Check all that apply: PEWS Clinical assessment including vitals, stethoscope, interaction with patient or parent PAS (asthma) Ventilation (NIPPV or invasive with ETT or tracheostomy) Oxygen delivery (HFN or LFNC) Other... What tools do you use to identify respiratory distress? Other... Have you escalated a clinical concern related to a patient in the past? * Yes No Are there clear protocols for you to follow if you need to escalate concerns? * Yes No Other... Are there clear protocols for you to follow if you need to escalate concerns? Other... Leave this field blank