SKU: R9115A

Sponsorship Levels

The Advanced Care of the Young Athlete Symposium is targeted to physicians, advanced practice providers, physical therapists, athletic trainers and health care professionals from around the Rocky Mountain region who care for injured children. This event is an unparalleled opportunity to make and solidify relationships through person-to-person communications and marketing. Reserve your sponsorship and/or booth space today!

SponsorshipPriceVisibility & Advertising
  • Dedicated table display at conference with company signage to display educational materials and product information
  • Recognition of sponsorship in conference packet and Logo included on sponsor slide
  • Audience engagement in lobby during breaks (3), lunch and transitions for workshops (4)
  • Verbal recognition by Conference Chair to attendees throughout conference
  • Opportunity to include single-page information sheet in participant handout materials
Gold $1200
  • Dedicated table display at conference with company signage to display educational materials and product information
  • Recognition of sponsorship in conference packet and Logo included on sponsor slide
  • Audience engagement in lobby during breaks (3), lunch and transitions for workshops (4)
  • Dedicated table display at conference with company signage to display educational materials and product information
  • Recognition of sponsorship in conference packet 
  • Audience engagement in lobby during breaks (3), lunch and transitions for workshops (4)


Please contact Jade Freeman at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. 

List price: $0.00
Price: $700.00