Series date:
01/03/2023 - 4:00pm MST to 12/26/2023 - 5:00pm MST
This regularly scheduled series takes place every Tuesday beginning January 4, 2022.
Registration and evaluation are required to obtain professional continuing education credit. See session details for the weekly educational topic hosted within this series. Heart Institute Lecture Series will be hosted virtually until further notice.
Target Audience: Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons, RNs, and other health professionals involved in the care and management of pediatric cardiac diseases.
Global Objectives:
- Comprehend the systematic and critical analysis of review of mortality cases in the cardiac intensive care unit and cardiothoracic operating room
- Identify potential systems errors that may have occurred during these cases as well any next steps directed at performance and process improvement
Veronica Cardoza
Phone: 720-777-3365, [email protected]
Dunbar Ivy, MD
Activity Director
Series location:
Children's Hospital Colorado
13123 E. 16th Avenue
2nd Floor Conference Center
Aurora, CO
United States
See map: Google Maps