Series date: 
01/01/2024 - 7:00am MST to 12/31/2024 - 11:59pm MST

Registration and evaluation are required to obtain professional continuing education credit. See session details for the quarterly sessions hosted within this series. Simulation Lunch and Learn Best Practice will be hosted virtually until further notice.

Target Audience:
Any staff currently involved in simulation activities or those with an interest in utilizing healthcare simulation for process or quality improvement.

Global Objectives:

  • Provide data, examine and explore evidence-based best practices in healthcare simulation and present nursing and medical based quality improvement projects that have utilized simulation to improve patient outcomes.
  • Discuss key concepts of simulation best practice. 
  • Examine strategies for incorporating simulation for quality and/or process improvement in healthcare. 

Learner Outcome
As a result of this series, the learner will be able to incorporate evidence-based best practice simulation in quality/process improvement and educational projects. 

Kristin Hanak, MS, RN, PNP, CHSE
Healthcare Simulation Educator
[email protected] or 720-777-7599

Series location: 
Children's Hospital Colorado
Virtual Program