The 2023 Cotton Conference

Keystone, CO US
March 2, 2023 to March 4, 2023

Building a Vision for the Future of Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine

This Hybrid conference live from Keystone, CO. Virtual attendance is available. This site will provide you with all of the hotel information that you may need and this year, allow you to purchase discounted Epic ski passes to ski at Keystone Resort. If you do order lift tickets, they will be available for pickup from Matthew Stern when you arrive in Keystone.

Hotel information and a link to the Cotton Conference Booking Website, featuring discounted hotel rooms, CAN BE FOUND HERE.

Registration Fees

  • In-person Attendance:
    • Complimentary Registration***
    • Trainees / Students:
      • Complimentary Registration***
    • Virtual Faculty, Staff, or Community Providers:
      • $50

    ***Registration fees in-person attendees and trainees are paid by the Section of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine.

    Provided by:
    University of Colorado
    The Breathing Institute
    Pediatric Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine

    About Cotton Conference:
    The Cotton Conference is named after Ernie Cotton, founder of the Section of Pediatric Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine at the University of Colorado. The Cotton Conference has been held consecutively for the past 33 years.

    The changing landscape of healthcare, as well as the challenging nature of pulmonary medicine prompts providers to be proactive and innovative when considering diagnostic and treatment options, future research focus, and avenues to best advocate for patients. To increase provider competence and clinical performance, the focus of this year’s conference is to discuss clinical advances and data related to inhalational lung injury, cystic fibrosis, aerodigestive and sleep disorders, asthma, and health equity. This 3-day conference will include didactic lectures and case-based discussion focused on advancing these areas. Our keynote guest speaker is a national expert in inflammation and infection in cystic fibrosis, leadership, and diversity, health equity, and inclusion will focus on educating and mentoring attendees on the recent advances in these areas. Additional education will be provided by our regional and local expert speakers and trainees. Possible outcomes related to this conference include improved quality, efficiency, and equity in the treatment of pediatric patients with pulmonary and sleep conditions.

    Special Thanks to:
    Event Chair:

    -Stacey Martiniano, MD, MSCS

    Event Co-Chairs:
    - Andrew Liu, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Emily DeBoer, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Stanley Szefler, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Christopher Baker, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Edith Zemanick, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Benjamin Hughes, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute


    Target Audience

    Target audience members include physicians, advanced practice providers, and researchers in the field of pediatric pulmonary & sleep medicine.

    Learning Objectives

    1.    Define the changing landscape of translational studies and research models to understand the pathophysiology and treatment of inhalational lung injury.
    2.    Explain the impact of highly effective modulator therapy on lung inflammation and microbiome, pulmonary exacerbations, and the inequities in access to these life-altering therapies. 
    3.    Recognize that discrimination and inequities exist and will implement strategies for advancing equity in academia and in our patient populations.
    4.    Understand alternative measures of pulmonary function and abnormalities in various pediatric pulmonary disorders. 
    5.    Advance trainee skills in research development and design and experience in professional research presentation and Q&A.

    Additional Information

    Course Contact: 
    For any questions or concerns, please contact Matthew Stern at [email protected].
    Course summary
    Available credit: 
    • 9.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 9.75 Attendance
    Course opens: 
    Course expires: 
    Event starts: 
    03/02/2023 - 7:00am MST
    Event ends: 
    03/04/2023 - 4:30pm MST

    Thursday Evening, March 2, 2023 -  Preclinical Translational Pulmonary Research


    Begin Check-in at Keystone Resort


    Welcome Reception (Heavy Appetizers & Cocktails) with the Vendors

    5:45 - 6:15pm

    Visit the Exhibitors


    Educational Session #1 Welcome

    Moderator: Livia Veress, MD


    Novel imaging modalities for preclinical and clinical research

    Tom Hu, PhD


    Lung ultrasound to track lung disease after ARDS

    Codi Horstman, BS


    Inhalation injury in humans and animals – research update

    Shenali Uragoda, BS


    Short break


    7:25 pm

    Two inhalation injury models with cardiac functional changes

    Jules Harral, MS


    The ‘Carl White’ Method

    Livia Veress, MD


    Break for Evening


    Friday Morning, March 3, 2023 - Cystic Fibrosis in the era of HEMT


    Breakfast Buffet with the Vendors


    Educational Session #2 Welcome

    Moderator: Frank Accurso, MD


    Mental Health research in CF

    Annemarie Wolfe, MD




    Evaluating pulmonary exacerbations through use of a cough monitor research project introduction

    Lilah Meltzer, DO




    Case Presentation – A case of a child with CF on ECMO

    Cristina Giles, MD

    9:45- 10:15am

    “Visit the Exhibits” and Refreshments



    Impact of ETI therapy on key clinical outcomes in CF: results from the PROMISE study (virtual)


    Scott Sagel, MD, PhD


    Keynote: Impact of HEMT on microbiome

    Terri Laguna, MD


    Mid-Day Break- Keystone Resort Activities

    Friday Evening, March 3, 2023 – Equity & Mentorship in Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine


    Dr. Laguna & Pulmonary fellows fireside chat

    4:45 -5:15pm

    “Visit the Exhibits” and Refreshments


    Educational Session #3 Welcome

    Moderator: Stan Szefler, MD

    5:30pm 20min

    Addressing diversity, health equity and inclusion in clinical trials

    Stan Szefler, MD


    Inequities in access to CFTR modulators in people with CF

    Kamyron Jordan, MD


    Child Opportunity Index and asthma control in the ENIGMA study

    Emily Skeen, MD


    Presentation on Equity Council data and strategic plan (virtual/hybrid)

    Arthur McFarlane, PhD & Su Linstrom


    Keynote: Mentorship with a DEI lens

    Terri Laguna, MD


    Celebration Dinner, Awards & Karaoke with the Vendors


    Saturday Morning, March 4, 2023– Dysphagia, Sleep & Aerodigestive Disorders


    Breakfast Buffet with the Vendors


    “Visit the Exhibits” and Travel Snacks


    Educational Session #4 Welcome

    Moderator: Robin Deterding, MD


    Upper airway stimulation for obstructive sleep apnea

    Norman Freidman, MD


    Sleep disorders in children with Down syndrome

    Taylor Curry, MD


    Maintenance of Wakefulness Test Characteristics in Pediatric Populations with Central Hypersomnia

    Ben Wisniewski, MD

    9:15am 20 min

    Pulmonary function measured by IOS in children with Down Syndrome

    Emily DeBoer, MD, MSCS


    Abnormalities in pulmonary function in Aerodigestive disorders

    Kate Smith, PhD


    Summary and Feedback

    Terri Laguna, MD


    Concluding Remarks & Evaluations

    Robin Deterding, MD

    Keystone Lodge and Spa
    22101 US-6
    Keystone, CO 80435
    United States

    Hotel information and a link to the Cotton Conference Booking Website, featuring discounted hotel rooms, can be found here:


    For other travel information not related to the discounted hotel rooms (link listed above), please contact Matthew Stern at [email protected].

    Keynote Speakers:
    - Terri Laguna, MD,  Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital

    University of Colorado & Children's Hospital Colorado Speakers:
    - Robin Deterding, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Taylor Curry, MD, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Annemarie Wolfe, MD, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Kamyron Jordan, MD, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Emily Skeen, MD, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Cristina Giles, MD, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Lilah Melzer, DO, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellow, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Emily DeBoer, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Livia Veress, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute

    Planning Committee Members:
    - Stacey Martiniano, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Andrew Liu, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Stanley Szefler, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Emily DeBoer, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Christopher Baker, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Edith Zemanick, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Breathing Institute
    - Benjamin Hughes, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado
    - Matthew Stern, MS, CME Manager, Children's Hospital Colorado


    Children’s Hospital Colorado is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.  

    Children’s Hospital Colorado designates this Live Activity for a maximum of 9.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.  


    A certificate of attendance will be provided upon completion of this course. 

    Available Credit

    • 9.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 9.75 Attendance


    Please login or register to take this course.


    Please register for the course using this website. All pertinent information, including the Zoom links to access the conference will be provided by the conference planning team in the days prior to the conference.