Children's Hospital Colorado's Annual Physical Therapy Training Day

April 3, 2023

This registration website will allow you to register for the Physical Therapy Training Day on April 3, 2023 taking place at Children's Hospital Colorado's Anschutz Campus. The sessions will take place in the Medical Conference and Education Center located on the 2nd floor. Individual meeting rooms will be assigned at a later date and shared closer to the event. You will be asked to make choices for your breakout sessions, a preview of the breakout sessions is availabel on the 'Program' tab.

Additional Information

Course Contact: 
For any questions or concerns, please contact Beth Hutchinson at [email protected]
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 7.00 Attendance
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
04/03/2023 - 7:00am MDT
Event ends: 
04/03/2023 - 5:00pm MDT

9:00 am - The Power of Words 

Presenter: Kat Denlinger 

The words we choose to use matter. As clinicians, our words can have healing or harmful effects on our patients and their recoveries.

10:00 am (Choose from the following 3 lectures)

Functional Neurologic Disorders (FND) 

Presenters: Anne Hammel and Shannon Mele 

Learn more about tools, resources, and best practice multidisciplinary care for management of patients with FND in inpatient and outpatient. 


Foot Assessment and Orthotic Prescription 

Presenters: Nickie Harris and Tia Fischer-Osborn 

Hands on lab to practice basic foot assessment skills and apply these skills to building an appropriate foot orthotic using Vasyli semi-custom products.   


Running Analysis 

Presenters: Matt Sremba and Mimi Babcook 

Bring your computers to practice and discuss running cases through video analysis, physical examination and treatment strategies.  


11:00 am (Choose from the following 3 lectures)

Mental Health: How to Support the Conversation 

Presenters: Lara Dato  

The psychosocial effects of injury and/or chronic conditions: How to help guide conversations.

Spinal Cord Injury 

Presenter: Jessie Brown 

Come learn and get hands-on experience about current concepts, treatment, and management of pediatric Spinal Cord Injury.

Neuroplastic Changes & Motor Learning Strategies: Advanced Exercise Prescription 

Pre-Recorded Presenter: Shane Noffsinger 

Facilitators: Nicki Harris, Jaime Guthrie, Caryn Keller 

Exploring the application of motor learning strategies to advanced exercise prescription based on the work of Dusty Grooms PhD. Facilitators will expand on Dr Groom’s work into multiple programmatic areas.  


12:00pm - Optional: Lunch Team building  

Facilitated by Lori Loftus 

Join team members to meet other PTs outside of your typical workday and make some new friends.  Lunch not provided. 


1:00 pm - Social Styles 

Presenter: Ryan Humphries 

Social Styles: How our preferences contribute to high-performing teams. 


2:00 pm (Choose from the following 2 lectures)

The Great Debate: What is the best way to measure clinical strength? 

Presenters: Cass Hallagan, Cody Yeaman, Jim Hedgecock

Facilitated by Matt Sremba 

Explore perspectives as we discuss the gold standard to measure and interpret clinical strength (Example: 85%/100%/etc). 

  • CHCO ACL Protocol: “Hypertrophy Phase Goal: 85% strength compared to unaffected lower extremity” 
  • CHCO Bankart Protocol: “Advanced Strengthening Phase Goal: 100% strength compared with contralateral upper extremity” 


Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy – Case reviews 

Presenters: Laura Borgstede, Kara Pontius, Jamie Guthrie, Ann-Marie Wilson

Follow three cases through full spectrum of care from initial decision making, pre-op gait analysis, rehab process, outpatient treatment, and post-op gait analysis. 


3:00 pm (You will breakout by program: Sports, Ortho, Foot Management, Rehab, Neurodevelopmental)

Program Debrief/Think Tank 

Sign up with your primary program area for a reflection on the day: what were your takeaways and what are possible next steps? 

Children's Hospital Colorado
Aurora, CO
United States

Available Credit

  • 7.00 Attendance


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