1 Start 2 Complete
Not at all comfortable Slightly comfortable Moderately comfortable Very comfortable Extremely comfortable
Completing behavioral health assessments in response to clinical indication or elevation in score on a behavioral health screening measure.
Managing medication for behavioral health symptoms.
Using brief interventions to address behavioral health symptoms.
Deciding whether to refer out to a specialist or to manage care based on behavioral health assessment results.
Providing patients and families with tools and resources to manage behavioral health concerns while they wait for an appointment with a behavioral health specialist.
Not at all comfortable Slightly comfortable Moderately comfortable Very comfortable Extremely comfortable
Implementing a successful workflow for screening patients for behavioral health concerns.
Utilizing EMR system technology to create efficient methods for documentation of behavioral health screening and assessment.
Tracking and analyzing screening rates and identifying barriers to implementing a successful behavioral health screening program.
Creating an integrated environment where primary care providers and behavioral health professionals can work as a team for successful treatment of behavioral health concerns.
Integrating the financial aspects of billing and coding for behavioral health visits in your practice.