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Eosinophilic disorders include a diverse range of pathologies that can present with a broad spectrum of symptoms, often leading to diagnostic challenges. This submission should highlight a case of an eosinophilic disorder encountered in your clinical practice - emphasizing the complexity of diagnosis, management, and patient outcome.

Through a detailed analysis of the case, we aim to showcase the importance of recognizing eosinophilic disorders early, as well as the role of multidisciplinary approaches in optimizing patient care.

Submission Guidelines

Word Count
Not to exceed 250 words and one figure.


  1. Title: Descriptive title, list of authors and institutions
  2. Introduction: 1-2 sentence introduction describing background or rationale for the study or project.
  3. Methods: Description of methods used
  4. Results: Pertinent results presented with appropriate statistical analyses.
  5. Conclusion: Succinct study conclusions
  6. Figures: Up to two images and/or tables are permitted (file formats: JPG, PNG, BMP). Image content/text and captions do not count towards word limit.


There will be ONE case chosen to become a podium presentation at the live meeting on April 23, 2025 at Children’s Hospital Colorado. The winning submission will also receive a $500 honorarium payment.


February 10
Abstract Submission Open

March 14
Abstracts due

​April 1
Abstract winner will be announced

April 23
Podium presentation will take place (20 minute presentation)


Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc docx ppt pptx.