Aerobic Exercise in Pediatric Sport-Related Concussion Recovery

July 6, 2021

This course will be held virtually via Zoom. The Zoom information is below:

Zoom URL= 
Zoom Phone number: 1-669-900-6833
Zoom Meeting ID number: 819012261

Target Audience

This course is for certified athletic trainers.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define how much and how long to rest after a concussion
  2. Identify the role of aerobic exercise in concussion recovery
  3. Create an exercise prescription for concussion recovery

Additional Information

Course Contact: 
Robert Lopez, MAT, LAT, ATC, CES : [email protected]
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 BOC
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
07/06/2021 - 7:00am MDT
Event ends: 
07/06/2021 - 8:00am MDT
Children's Hospital Colorado
Aurora, CO
United States

This webinar will be held virtually via Zoom.

Dr. Julie Wilson
Department of Orthopedics
Children's Hospital Colorado

Dr. Julie Wilson is a pediatric sports medicine physician at Children’s Hospital Colorado, and an assistant professor of orthopedics and pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is a co-director of the Concussion program at Children’s Colorado, and a co-author of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine position statement on concussion in sport. Dr. Wilson also serves as the outreach club medical director for the Sports Medicine Center at Children’s Colorado, overseeing all community partnerships. She has been a team physician at the high school and collegiate levels. Her clinical and research interests include improving outcomes in pediatric concussion, including the role of physical activity during recovery and reducing injury following return to play.


Brittney Millett, MS, ATC
Children's Hospital Colorado

Brittney is a clinical athletic trainer in the Sports Medicine Center and the Concussion Program Coordinator at Children’s Hospital Colorado. She has worked as an athletic trainer in the high school, collegiate, military, and clinical settings for the past 11 years and was involved with the Salt Lake Health Department Concussion Management Policy Project.

Children’s Hospital Colorado is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 1 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours spent in the educational program. 


BOC Approved Provider Logo

Available Credit

  • 1.00 BOC


Please login or register to take this course.

Required Hardware/software

This conference will be held via Zoom so you will need speakers or a headset to participate.