The 14th Annual Reach the Peak Asthma & Allergy Overview and Update + Asthma Educator Certification Prep Course

April 13, 2022 to April 14, 2022

Reach the Peak provides an annual interdisciplinary overview of asthma and allergy management and is a comprehensive review course for the National Asthma Educator Certification Board (NAECB) AE-C exam, with a curriculum based upon the AE-C exam matrix. Facilitated by leading experts in their field, Reach the Peak incorporates problem-based learning methods with a combination of lecture, small group case scenarios, networking and comprehensive collaboration strategies. Proceeds from Reach the Peak support Roundup River Ranch, helping children and families with asthma and lung disorders to attend camp. Camp opportunities can be life changing for these children.

The NAECB exam is a voluntary testing program used to assess qualified health professional’s knowledge in asthma education. There are multiple testing sites throughout the United States. Upon successful completion of the AE-C exam an individual may add “AE-C” to their professional credentials. Continuing education credits from Reach the Peak may also be used to recertify for AE-C.

Target Audience

The target audience includes physicians, advanced practice providers, registered nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, clinical social workers, certified health educators and other asthma care professionals.

Learning Objectives

  •  Describe the pathophysiology and contributing factors of asthma diagnosis. 
  •  Develop an Asthma Action Plan that includes prescribed medications and behavioral and environmental modifications.
  •  Integrate newly acquired knowledge into clinical practice.
  •  Conduct a patient and family assessment addressing the medical history, objective measures of asthma severity and educational needs.
  •  Assess community needs, develop programs to address identified needs and measure outcomes related to program effectiveness.
  •  Identify the requirements for AE-C certification and how to take the AE-C exam.

Learner Outcome

As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to report increased knowledge of evidence-based asthma guidelines/protocols for pediatric asthma patients. Attendance will help prepare participant to take the Asthma Educator Certification exam and educational credits may be applied towards asthma educator recertification.

Scholarship Assistance

Do not register for the conference prior to applying for a scholarship. Separate registration instructions will be sent directly to all scholarship applicants. Partial scholarships are available. Scholarship recipients will pay 50% of the registration fees to attend the two-day conference. If a scholarship recipient submits proof of passing AE-C certification exam within 12 months, a refund of the remaining registration funds will be provided. To apply, email a letter of request outlining your need for the scholarship to Matthew Stern at [email protected] by February 25, 2022. Notification of award will be sent by March 11, 2022 along with instructions on how to register.

Additional Information

Course Contact: 
For questions, contact Matthew Stern at [email protected] in advance of the conference.
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 9.25 Attendance
  • 9.25 CRCE Credit
  • 9.25 NCPD
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
04/13/2022 - 7:00am MDT
Event ends: 
04/14/2022 - 4:30pm MDT
Wednesday, April 13th, 2022
7:30-8:00amWelcome and Course Overview
 Bridget Raleigh, MSN FNP-BC AE-C
8:00-8:45amAsthma Guidelines update and implementation
 Monica Federico, MD, Pulmonologist
8:45-9:30amAllergic and Environmental Factors Contributing to Acute and Chronic Asthma
 William C. Anderson III, MD, Allergist
9:30-10:15amSpirometry for the Asthma Educator
 Deborah Liptzin, MD, Pulmonologist
 Pharmacologic Therapy for Asthma
10:30-11:15amLaney Brennan, PharmD
 Social Determinants of Health
11:15-NOONMfon Udoko, MD
NOON- 12:15pm 
 Adherence and Motivation
12:15- 1:00pmHeather De Keyser, MD, Pulmonologist + Meghan Camacho
 Case Studies - Virtual Workbook independent study.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
7:45 -9:00 amKey Messages for Asthma Education and the Asthma Action Plan
 Kate Michalek, MS PA-C AE-C
9:00-10:00amProgram Development, Implementation and Outcomes
 Kate Johnston, MPH CHES AE-C
10- 10:15amBreak

10:15 11:15am

Panel Presentation:
Comprehensive Asthma Care, Complicated Cases & Case Reviews

 Maryann Ceballos, Kristi Blanshan, Elsy Peoples & Lucy Roberts
11:15-11:30amBreak - Lunch and a Wellness Moment
11:30- 1:00pmSmall Group Sessions -- case discussions and device teaching-- working lunch
Children's Hospital Colorado
Aurora, CO
United States

This two-day course will be held virtually via Zoom. Further information regarding links to access the course, breakout rooms and the Question/answer sessions will be provided within two weeks of the course dates.

Children’s Hospital Colorado

William C. Anderson III, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Co-Director Multidisciplinary Asthma Clinic (MAC)
University of Colorado
Associate Program Director, Allergy and Immunology Fellowship

Joyce A. Baker, MBA, RRT-NPS, AE-C†*
Asthma Clinical Program Coordinator
Children's Hospital Colorado

Kelli Bernier, BSN, RN, AE-C*
Clinical Nurse III / Breathing Institute

Laney Brennan, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist, Children's Hospital Colorado

Meghan Camacho
Operations Coordinator - Pulmonary Medicine
Children's Hospital Colorado

Beth Carroll, BSN, RN, CPN, AE-C †*
Clinical Nurse IV
Children’s Hospital Colorado and
Colorado Allergy & Asthma Centers

Catherine Clark, MS, RN, PCNS-BC, AE-C*
Asthma Clinic Nurse Specialist
Child Health Clinic

Heather De Keyser, MD
Pediatric Pulmonologist
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Children's Hospital Colorado

Trish Eells, MS, CPNP, AE-C*
Associate Medical, Director Asthma Programs in Colorado Springs
Senior Instructor / Breathing Institute
University of Colorado

Monica Federico, MD†
Pediatric Pulmonologist
Associate Professor, Pediatrics / Director, Asthma Program
University of Colorado / Breathing Institute

Melanie Gleason, MS, PA-C, AE-C†
Senior Instructor / Breathing Institute
University of Colorado

Kate Johnston, MPH, CHES, AE-C†
Community Health Manager
Breathing Institute

Lindsey McLemore, RRT, CRT, CPFT, RPFT, AE-C*
Respiratory Therapist III
Pulmonary Diagnostics / Breathing Institute

Kate Michalek, MS, PA-C, AE-C†*
Senior Instructor / Breathing Institute
University of Colorado

Naomi Miyazawa, MS, PA-C, AE-C*
Senior Instructor / Breathing Institute
University of Colorado

Linda Parsons, MSN, RN, NPD-BC†
Ambulatory Clinical Education Specialist
Children’s Hospital Colorado

Bridget Raleigh, MSN, FNP-BC, AE-C†
Associate Medical Director, Asthma Programs
Senior Instructor / Breathing Institute
University of Colorado

Matthew Stern, MS†
Program Manager, Continuing Medical Education

Julie Troglia, BSN, RN, AE-C*
Clinical Nurse III
Breathing Institute

Mfon Udoko, MD
Fellow, Pediatric Pulmonology
University of Colorado

Faculty and Planning Committee
*Small group facilitator
†Planning committee member

Nursing: Children’s Hospital Colorado is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This education activity for 9.25 nursing contact hours is provided by Children’s Hospital Colorado.

Respiratory Care: This program has been approved for 9.25 contact hours Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credit by the American Association for Respiratory Care, 9425 N. MacArthur Blvd, Suite 100, Irving, TX 75063.

Others: A general certificate of attendance will be given to all other care providers.

Note: A certificate of attendance will be available upon completion of the online evaluation.  Claim only credit commensurate of your conference attendance.

Available Credit

  • 9.25 Attendance
  • 9.25 CRCE Credit
  • 9.25 NCPD


Please login or register to take this course.

Please register for the course using this website. All pertinent information, including the Zoom links to access the conference will be provided by Matthew Stern, in the days prior to the conference.