2nd Annual Jason French Pediatric Hospital Medicine Virtual Symposium

October 7, 2022


The Jason French Pediatric Hospital Medicine Symposium commemorates the life and service of our colleague, Jason French, who tragically passed away in the summer of 2020.  Dr. French was a beloved member of the Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Children's Hospital Colorado, and he served on the planning committee for this conference. Moving forward this conference will replace our "Clinical Concepts and Conundrums in Pediatric Hospital Medicine" symposium

This conference will focus on the care and management of hospitalized children and neonates. A case-based format will be used to review and discuss the etiology, diagnosis, and management of critically ill infants and children.

    Target Audience

    This conference is designed for all health care professionals who participate in the care and management of hospitalized children and neonates.

    Learning Objectives

    • Diagnose and manage acute neurologic changes such as weakness, ataxia, and change in consciousness.
    • Recognize the benefits of a dedicated multidisciplinary team who care for patients admitted for behavioral health needs.
    • Describe proven strategies to help improve the care of behavioral health patients which may help your own institution.
    • Describe two possible mechanisms by which fomepizole may help mitigate acetaminophen toxicity.
    • Recognize clinical scenarios in which standard N-acetylcysteine dosing may be insufficient.
    • Summarize the latest testing and treatment guidelines for COVID-19 in children.
    • Review medical issues that are more common in newly arriving immigrants/refugees and the importance of screening for these conditions.
    • Discuss the various differentials when common presenting symptoms lead to diagnosis of uncommon conditions in the pediatric inpatient setting.

    Learner Outcome

    After attending this event, the participant will report an increase in knowledge related to the hospitalized pediatric and neonatal patient and increase confidence caring for the pediatric patient population in the rural hospital setting.

    Additional Information

    Course Contact: 
    PDF icon Download Conference Brochure307.49 KB
    Course summary
    Available credit: 
    • 7.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 7.25 Attendance
    • 7.25 NCPD
    Course opens: 
    Course expires: 
    Event starts: 
    10/07/2022 - 7:50am MDT
    Event ends: 
    10/07/2022 - 4:30pm MDT


    This virtual conference originates from Aurora, Colorado; Mountain Standard Time.

    October 7, 2022Presentations
    7:40-7:50 amWelcome - Jason Zamkoff, MD
    7:50 - 8:000Update on Children's Hospital Colorado
    Jennifer Reese, MD
    8:00-9:00Everyday Neurologic Problems at Your Hospital: What Will You Do?
    Paul Graham Fisher, MD
    9:00-10:00"But we're not a psych hospital…":
    Novel Improvisations in a Time of Increasing Mental Health Challenges

    Heather Kreth, PsyD and Alison Herndon, MD, MSPH
    10:15-11:15What's New with Acetaminophen?
    Laurie Seidel Halmo, MD
    11:15-12:15The Febrile Infant: What's New (and what isn't!)
    Andrea Marmor, MD
    12:15-1:00 pmLunch Break
    1:00-2:00COVID 19 Update
    Suchitra Rao, MD
    2:00-3:00Case Studies in Hospital-Based Care for Immigrant and Refugee Children
    Janine Young, MD, FAAP
    3:15-4:15Clinical Conundrums:
    When Common Symptoms are not Common Diagnoses

    Kathryn M. Ganser, MSc, CPAS, PA-C
    Morgan McMahon, PA-C
    4:15-4:30Closing Remarks and Conference Evaluation


    Children's Hospital Colorado
    Aurora, CO 80045
    United States
    +1 (720) 777-6160

    Children's Hospital Colorado will host this symposium virtually via Zoom.


    Guest Faculty (This page needs updating: Andrea Marmor and move Janine Young to Guest Faculty?)

    Paul Graham Fisher, MD
    Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics
    Chief, Division of Child Neurology
    Stanford University

    Alison Herndon, MD, MSPH
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
    Department of Pediatrics
    Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
    Pediatric Hospitalist
    Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt

    Heather L. Kreth, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist/Health Service Provider 
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Hospital Medicine
    Vanderbilt University Medical Center

    Andrea Marmor, MD
    Professor of Pediatrics 
    School of Medicine
    University of California, San Francisco 


    Local Faculty

    Kathryn M. Ganser, MSc, CPAS, PA-C
    Faculty Fellow, Inpatient Advanced Practitioner Fellowship 
    Children's Hospital Colorado

    Laurie Seidel Halmo, MD, FAAP
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
    Sections of Hospital Medicine and Medical Toxicology
    University of Colorado School of Medicine

    Morgan McMahon, PA-C
    Advanced Practice Provider Fellow
    Department of Pediatrics
    Children's Hospital Colorado

    Suchitra Rao, MBBS, MSCS
    Associate Professor of Pediatrics 
    University of Colorado School of Medicine 
    Associate Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control
    Children's Hospital Colorado

    Janine Young, MD, FAAP
    Associate Professor, Dept of General Pediatrics
    University of Colorado School of Medicine
    Medical Director, Denver Health Refugee Clinic
    Medical Co-Director, Denver Health Human Rights Clinic
    Medical Advisor, Colorado Refugee Services Program
    Denver Health and Hospitals, Lowry Family Health Center

    Jennifer Reese, MD
    Professor of Pediatrics
    Section Head, Pediatric Hospital Medicine 
    Associate Vice Chair for Faculty Well-Being and Resilience
    Department of Pediatrics
    University of Colorado School of Medicine
    Medical Director of Provider Well-Being
    Children's Hospital Colorado



    Children’s Hospital Colorado is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 

    Children’s Hospital Colorado designates this Other activity (Internet Live Course) for a maximum of 7.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) ™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


    Children’s Hospital Colorado is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.  This education activity for 7.25 nursing contact hours is provided by Children’s Hospital Colorado.

    General Attendance: 

    A general certificate of attendance will be available for all other care providers.

    Available Credit

    • 7.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 7.25 Attendance
    • 7.25 NCPD

    Register/Take course


    Please login or register to take this course.
    • Register for the symposium.
    • Enter the attendance code via text or desktop - this will open 30 minutes before the conference
    • Participate as an active learner.
    • Complete the evaluation to obtain Continuing  Education (CE) credit.  You will receive an email with a link to the evaluation or you may use the Course Progress screen to access the evaluation.

    Cancellation Policy:  The Planning Committee reserves the right to alter the agenda or cancel the conference in the event of an unforeseen circumstance, or if the minimum registration is not attained by September 17, 2021 with a full refund to participants.

    • All cancellations must be received in writing at ce@childrenscolorado.org. Please include the name of the conference you are cancelling.
    • Individuals who fail to sign in with the Activity Code (no-shows) will not receive a refund. Forfeited fees may not be applied to any other activity.

    Required Hardware/software

    Computer device with internet connection and audio.  Webcam is optional.