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- Neonatolog...See more
- 13.50 AMA ...See more
Needs StatementMany neonatal and pediatric assessments continue to rely on indirect data and observation as the mainstay of decision-making. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has the potential to significantly improve care in neonatal and pediatric clinical practice by guiding invasive procedures and providing diagnostic data to supplement clinical observation.Overview
- PediatricsSee more
- 30.00 AMA ...See more
See Registration Page for adjusted Fee Types - Register before March 31 to save.Led by Alberto Peña, MD, Andrea Bischoff, MD, and Luis De La Torre, MD, renowned pediatric surgeons from the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care at Children's Hospital Colorado.This comprehensive surgical and management workshop includes an extra day dedicated to Urology and Hirschsprung Disease.Join us for this Live multi-day event in Colorado.