4th Annual Children's Hospital Colorado Virtual Pediatric Care Symposium

October 25, 2023



This virtual symposium focuses on the assessment and management of common pediatric conditions in hospital, ambulatory and community settings. Current clinical issues and implications for children's health and clinician care delivery are presented and discussed.

Target Audience

This conference is for interdisciplinary healthcare team members including nursing, advanced practice providers, physicians and pre-hospital providers.

Learner Outcomes

As a result of this session, learners will be able to report new knowledge related to pediatric specialty practice in order to provide current, evidence-based care to pediatric populations. 


  • Describe the initial stabilization and emergency management of common environmental emergencies.
  • Describe evidence-based suicide screening tools that can be used with youth across settings.
  • Describe practical tools for approaching pediatric patients with respiratory distress using clinical case scenarios. 
  • Review signs, symptoms, and treatment options of DKA in the pediatric patient.
  • Describe what information can reliably be interpreted from wearable technology in pediatric patients.
  • Discuss applications of health equity via pediatric health system examples. 
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 6.25 Attendance
  • 6.25 Colorado State EMS
  • 6.25 NCPD
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
10/25/2023 - 7:45am MDT
Event ends: 
10/25/2023 - 3:30pm MDT


Horizontal Tabs

October 25th
Introduction and Welcome
07:45am - 08:00am
Emergent Pediatric Environmental Case Studies
08:00am - 09:00am
Addressing the Nation’s Youth Mental Health Crisis: Evidence-Based Practices for Suicide Screening and Prevention
09:00am - 10:00am
10:00am - 10:15am
Practical Approach to Pediatric Respiratory Distress
10:15am - 11:15am
DKA/Type 1 Diabetes
11:15am - 12:15pm
12:15pm - 01:15pm
'But my watch said...' Interpreting Wearable Data in the Pediatric Population
01:15pm - 02:15pm
Health Equity in Action
02:15pm - 03:15pm
Evaluation and Adjourn
03:15pm - 03:30pm


Virtual Course

This conference will be hosted virtually.  A Zoom link will be provided 2 days before the conference.


Medical: Children’s Hospital Colorado is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Children’s Hospital Colorado designates this Other activity (Internet Live Course) for a maximum of 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Nursing: Children’s Hospital Colorado is approved with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

This educational activity for 6.25 nursing contact hours is provided by Children’s Hospital Colorado.

EMS: Children’s Hospital Colorado is a State of Colorado recognized EMS Training Group (CO-049) and will provide 6.25 continuing education credits for all pre-hospital providers.

Other: A general certificate of attendance will be available.

Available Credit

  • 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 6.25 Attendance
  • 6.25 Colorado State EMS
  • 6.25 NCPD

Register/Take course


Please login or register to take this course.


The registration deadline is October 22, 2023.

  • Register for the conference
  • To capture your attendance at the conference, you must enter the attendance code via text or desktop . The attendance code will be shared at the start of the conference. 

*The mobile number feature is not enabled for international guests. International guests, please complete the registration process.


Zoom URL https://childrenscolorado-org.zoom.us/j/85241070388?pwd=UGxGWTVqZmR5WVdHVDFuTTBIRFZzdz09

Meeting ID: 852 4107 0388

Passcode: 399488

One tap Mobile: +17193594580,,86043016122# US

Required Hardware/software

This conference will be held online. You will need access to the internet and speakers or a headset to participate.