7th Annual Advanced Care of the Young Athlete Symposium

Aurora, CO US
November 18, 2022


Young athletes face unique challenges including overuse injuries and ACL tears at a high rate. Clinicians across disciplines in Sports Medicine will benefit from increased competence and clinical performance in caring for young athletes facing these injuries, including diagnosis, treatment, return to sport and injury prevention.

Over the course of this event, attendees will learn about challenges patients may face in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and how to address these challenges to improve compliance with treatment, particularly in the rehabilitation setting. Attendees will be provided with key features of many different injuries to aid in easier diagnosis and treatment planning if faced with lack of time.


Commercial Supporter

The Advanced Care of the Young Athlete Symposium planning committee appreciate the generous support provided by Enovis. 

Target Audience

This education program is primarily oriented towards physicians, advanced practice providers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, registered nurses and athletic trainers. 

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this conference, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the diagnosis and surgical approach to ACL tears in the pediatric athlete.
  • Explain the importance of nutrition in recovery and rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction and in overuse injuries in young athletes.
  • Demonstrate key features of prevention, rehabilitation, and return to sport following ACL reconstruction in young athletes.
  • Identify musculoskeletal overuse injuries in the pediatric athlete, including specifics to running and gymnastics medicine.
  • Explain concerns about early sport specialization in the youth athlete.


Course Materials


General Sessions: 7:25AM - 11:45AM
PDF icon 0725_Sport Specialization & Recognition of Overuse Injuries_Erschens.pdf
PDF icon 0740_Injury Prevention & Sport Specialization in Young Athletes_Walker.pdf
PDF icon 0755_Overuse Gymnastics Injuries_Sweeney.pdf
PDF icon 0810_Overuse Injuries in Running_Armento.pdf
PDF icon 0825_Physical Literacy in Young Athletes_Altenburger.pdf
PDF icon 0840_Sports Nutrition in Overuse Injuries_McCarthy.pdf
PDF icon 0920_Prevention of ACL Tears_Reinking.pdf
PDF icon 0950_Sports Nutrition and ACL Rehabilitation_McCarthy.pdf
PDF icon 1030_Return to PLay After ACL_Hallagin.pdf
PDF icon 1045_Field Progresion After ACL Reconstruction_Coonan Brewer.pdf
PDF icon 1115_Sports Medicine Center Research Updates_Howell.pdf


Breakout Session: 1:00PM - 4:15PM

PDF icon 0145_Youth Pitching Mechanics_Coonan & Brewer.pdf

File Risky Pitching Mechanics Workshop-ACYA.pptx

PDF icon 0100_Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport_Flynn Babcook.pdf
PDF icon 0145_Post-Concussive Musculoskeletal Injury Risk_Reinking Barnes Millet.pdf


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 7.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 7.50 Attendance
  • 7.50 BOC
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
11/18/2022 - 8:00am MST
Event ends: 
11/18/2022 - 4:30pm MST


Friday, November 18th

6:30amRegistration & Breakfast
7:15amWelcome Remarks
7:25amSport Specialization and Recognition of Overuse Injuries - Ashley Erschens, MS, LAT, ATC
7:40amInjury Prevention and Sport Specialization in Young Athletes - Greg Walker, MD
7:55amOveruse Injuries in Gymnastics - Emily Sweeney, MD
8:10amOveruse Injuries in Running - Aubrey Armento, MD
8:25amPhysical Literacy in Young Athletes - Alex Altenburger, DPT
8:40amSports Nutrition in Overuse Injuries - Amanda McCarthy, RDN
9:20amPrevention of ACL Tears - Sarah Reinking, DPT
9:35amAnatomy, Diagnosis, and Graft Choices in ACL Tears - Curtis VandenBerg, MD
9:50am Sports Nutrition and ACL Rehabilitation - Amanda McCarthy, RDN
10:10amNeuroplastic Changes & Motor Learning Strategies After ACL Injury - Shane Noffsinger
10:30amReturn to Play after ACL Reconstruction - Cassidy Hallagin, DPT
10:45amField Progression after ACL Reconstruction - Matt Brewer, MS, LAT, ATC & Dennis Coonan, ATC

Sports Medicine Center Research Updates - David Howell, PhD

1:00pmBreakout Session*
Running Gait Analysis - Matt Sremba, DPT & Cody Yeaman, DPT
Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction - Kaitlyn Flynn, DPT & Marie Renaudin Babcook, DPT
1:45pmBreakout Session*
Youth Pitching Mechanics - Matt Brewer, MS, LAT, ATC & Dennis Coonan, ATC
Post-Concussive Musculoskeletal Injury Risk - Sarah Reinking, DPT, Alice Barnes, DPT & Brittney Millet, ATC
2:45pmBreakout Session*
Running Gait Analysis - Matt Sremba, DPT & Cody Yeaman, DPT
Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction - Kaitlyn Flynn, DPT & Marie Renaudin Babcook, DPT
3:30pmBreakout Session*
Youth Pitching Mechanics - Matt Brewer, MS, LAT, ATC & Dennis Coonan, ATC
Post-Concussive Musculoskeletal Injury Risk - Sarah Reinking, DPT, Alice Barnes, DPT & Brittney Millet, ATC
4:15pmEvaluation Overview


*Program is subject to change


Children's Hospital Colorado - Conference Center
13123 E. 16th St
Aurora, CO 80045
United States

Conference participants are encouraged to park in Visitor Lot 10 -- access this free lot from Victor Street. Please do not park in the patient parking structure. 

Please check-in at the main hospital entrance at the front of the building and allow plenty of time to register and follow COVID-19 screening protocol at the hospital front desk. 



Aubrey Armento, MD, CAQSM
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
Jay Albright, MD
Associate Professor, University of Colorado
Surgical Director, Sport Medicine, Children's Hospital Colorado
Matt Brewer, MS, LAT, ATC
Clinical AT Associate Clinical Manager
Dennis Coonan, MSE, LAT, ATC
Program Manager, Sports Medicine Center, Children's Hospital Colorado
Greg Walker, MD, CAQSM
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
Sarah Reinking, PT, DPT, SCS
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Amanda McCarthy, MS, RDN, CSSD
Program Coordinator, Sports Medicine Registered Dietician, Children's Hospital Colorado
Brittney Millet, MS, LAT, ATC
Concussion Program Coordinator, Children's Hospital Colorado
Curt Vandenberg, MD
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
Orthopedic Surgeon, Children's Hospital Colorado
Ashley Erschens, MS, LAT, ATC
Athletic Trainer, Children's Hospital Colorado
Emily Sweeney, MD, CAQSM
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
Alex Altenberger, PT, DPT
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Cassidy Hallagin, PT, DPT, SCS
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Cameron Yeaman, PT, DPT, SCS
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Matt Sremba, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Marie Babcock, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Kaitlyn Flynn, PT, DPT, SCS
Sports Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Colorado
Alice Barnes, PT, DPT


Planning Committee


Aubrey Armento, MD, CAQSM, Jay Albright, MD, Katie Evers, MDBA, BSN, RN, Matt Brewer, MS, LAT, ATC, Jenny Van Meter, LAT, ATC, Dennis Coonan, MSE, LAT, ATC, Robert Lopez, MAT, LAT, ATC, Sarah Reinking, PT, DPT, SCS, Amanda Collaso, ASC, Amanda McCarthy, MS, RDN, CSSD & Veronica Acosta, ASC



Jay Albright, MD, planner for this activity, has received a research grant from Smith and Nephew. 

David Howell, PhD, ATC, speaker for this activity, is on the advisory board for Synaptek, LLC. 

Planners, faculty, and others in control of content (either individually or as a group) have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

All of the relevant financial relationships listed have been mitigated. 



Children’s Hospital Colorado is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Children’s Hospital Colorado designates this Live activity for a maximum of 7.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Certified Athletic Trainers

Children’s Hospital Colorado is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This program is pending approval for a maximum of 7.5 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours spent in the educational program.

Physical Therapists

This event qualifies as a category 1 Continuing Education Activity for physical therapists in the state of Colorado. 


A general certificate of attendance will be available after the completion of the online evaluation. Claim only credit commensurate of your conference attendance.

Available Credit

  • 7.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 7.50 Attendance
  • 7.50 BOC

Register/Take course


Please login or register to take this course.

Please note this is a live course with no virtual attendance option. 

*No refunds will be given after November 17, 2022.