Thank you for attending the ERAS Society® Pediatrics Virtual Meeting on June 17, 2022! Below are links to access the course materials. If you have any questions, please contact Jade Freeman at [email protected].
Friday, June 17th
Session 1_Patient Reported Outcome Measures_Zee.pdf
Session 2_ERAS for Abulatory Surgery_Childress.pdf
Session 3_Financial Impact of ERAS_Scott.pdf
Session 4_Developing ERAS Guidelines for Peds Surgery_Brindle.pdf
Session 6_Presidential Address_Franklin.pdf
Session 7_Multimodal Analgesia Panel_de Beer.pdf
Session 8_ERAS and Data Science_Gort.pdf
Session 9_Nursing and AP are Stakeholders_Williams.pdf
Session 10_ERAS Literature_Heiss.pdf
Research Updates in Pediatric ERAS - Presented by Dr. Mehul Raval
Due to time constraints, this presentation was not originally played during the conference.